Test Drive

If you just want to try some of the facilities, without commencing an official trial, then this page will help you gain a glimpse of what things look like.

We have set up a sample web site, Castalia Bridge Club, which is created from a web site template, to allow you to experiment with system facilities and see for yourself how easy or difficult it is to use. It demonstrates most of available features.

Uploading Results

Before embarking on uploading results with any of the scoring programs, please visit manual pages, and in particular the pages that explain how to use your scoring program to produce result files that can be uploaded.

ACBLscore users

You can try to upload results using web admin interface. This is a password protected page to prevent unauthorized users to change your club data. The user name to use is vito and the password is corleone. Just go to the admin interface page, then select the option from the menu on the left to go to the page from which you can upload the results. ACBLscore users who have wireless scoring system like Bridgemates can also upload BWS files that go with the score.

ASE 8+, Compscore and Compass users

You will need to download and install a special program for uploading results called ShipResults. Read the brief manual page, where you can find the program download link.

At the beginning of the installation, you will be asked to provide an activation code. For Castalia bridge club, this code is:


To avoid typing mistakes, just select the text (including '==' at the end) with your mouse and paste it in the appropriate field during the installation.

Scorebridge users

If you are experimenting with Scorebridge, please read first the Scorebridge Guide. The email address to send Scorebridge results to, for Castalia Bridge Club, is:


Checking results

If your uploads were successful, the results should appear on Castalia's web site:


Just follow the links to results

Other features

Playing with template web site

In order to play with feature and modify the web site content, you will need to use an administrator's interface. You will need to log in in order to gain access. The user name to use is vito and the password is corleone.

After you have done your changes, check out the web site again, to see what effect your changes had.

Hand records

If you use predealt boards, you can also upload hand records and associate them with previously uploaded results. You'll need to use above mentioned web admin interface to do that. Just choose appropriate option from the menu on the left, after you logged in.

NOTE: Access to admin interface is logged all the time in case someone tries to put up offensive content, so that we can track down such users.