Uploading Compass Results

This page summarizes some specific details about how to use Compass for web publishing of competition results. It is assumed that you are familiar with the basic use of the Compass scoring program.


To enable the creation of the files, tick the Create www.bridge-club.org XML files option in Club Information Set Up… Club Options.

Compass setup
Compass setup


  • For Swiss Teams and Swiss Pairs events, the xml files are automatically created in the background
  • For duplicate events, the xml files must be created manually. From the result screen, click the Create XML File button once the results are finalized. If the session has multiple sections, the Create XML File buttoncreates all required files.
  • For the overall results of multiple session duplicate event (eg a club event of a pairs tournament) the xml files are automatically created in the background
Compass file creation
Compass file creation


File Names and Location

You will need to know where the result files are (until we can futher automate the process) in order to upload them. Typically this is c:\compassv6\SRXML.

The naming convention is shown in the following examples:

Duplicate Events

File names are like 27thu.xml, where 27thu is the name of the session inp file.

Swiss Events

File names are like 37mon_Session_ 2_Round_ 4.xml, where 37mon is the name of the session file and session 2 is the current session number and Round_4 is the current round number.

Accumulated Result of Duplicate Events

File names are like Monday Pairs - Overall Result.xmlMonday Pairs - Overall Handicap Result.xml, where Monday Pairs is the name of the competition and Overall Result.. indicates the results type.