Uploading Compscore 2 Results


First, you need to set Compscore up to create the result files for upload. Look at the program's menu and click on Setup and then select Preferences - Web. Choose Pianola or bridge-club.org (Usebio XML) from the drop down list and click Apply.

Compscore setup
Compscore setup


Creating Result Files For Upload

In the session management, choose Quick Finalise to print the results and make the web site files.

Compscore Result File Creation
Compscore Result File Creation


The result file has extension XML. It's normally located in C:\Compscore 2\XML Results directory.

Uploading the result

Uploading uses ShipResults program. When you install ShipResults on your system and choose Compscore 2 as your scoring program, it will automatically "know" where to find result files that Compscore creates when you score your bridge session.

When set in autosend mode, as soon as you create the result file, it will automatically uploaded. Alternatively, you can trigger result upload manually, from the ShipResults context (right mouse click) menu, activated from a tray icon (little spade symbol)