Uploading Results With ACBLscore

This page summarizes some specific details about how to use ACBLscore for web publishing of competition results.

It is assumed that you are familiar with the basic use of ACBLscore scoring program. You should also be familiar with saving the results on the local disk, as these results need to be passed on for processing and inclusion on the Web site.

Typical Operation

This is relatively straightforward. The operational details on how to get the results on the Web may slightly differ from club to club, but in essence, the following steps are necessary for all situations:

  • score the event.
  • save the result in the file. Pay attention on the choice of the file name to avoid overwriting some other result.
  • connect to the Internet, go to the admin page for your club and follow the link for uploading result files.
  • using the Web interface, select each of the result files to be uploaded (transferred to the web site) and click on Upload button.

Creating Result Files

The instructions here refer to ACBLscore program version 7.46 or later, for Windows. It should work other versions as well. If you have a very old version of the program, maybe you should consider an upgrade. The latest version of the ACBLscore program can be downloaded from this page . The process of creating a result file that can be uploaded involves a few simple steps. But before you start creating result files, it may be a good idea to create a directory on your disk drive where you're going to keep them. This simplifies the housekeeping of result files. So, after you score an event, do the following:

For Matchpointed Events

  • click on Reports item on the program's menu, then click on Recap/Press > Screen/File(LR).
  • In the pop-up window click on Text file option, then click on OK button.
  • Navigate to the directory where you want to save the result files and enter the file name, then click on Save.
  • If you chose the name of an existing file, you may be prompted to overwrite or append. Always choose overwrite option, unless you made a mistake, in which case just click on Cancel button and then enter a different file name.
  • In the next pop-up window, titled "Select recap option", choose option 9 Short Press + Recap (traveler format) and then click on OK button.
  • Click OK button when asked about the report width (just accept the default).
  • Make a note of the file name.

Now that you have created a result file, simply connect to the Internet, log in to the web admin interface and upload the file. If you've done everything correctly, the results should already be visible on your web site. If this did not happen, please double check you followed the procedure described above, and you may compare the file you created with some sample result files below.

For Teams Events

The procedure follows similar steps:

  • click on Reports item on the program's menu, then click on Recap/Press > Screen/File(LR).
  • In the pop-up window click on Text file option, then click on OK button.
  • Navigate to the directory where you want to save the result files and enter the file name, then click on Save.
  • If you chose the name of an existing file, you may be prompted to overwrite or append. Always choose overwrite option, unless you made a mistake, in which case just click on Cancel button and then enter a different file name.
  • In the next pop-up window, titled "Select recap option", choose option 3 Press + Recap and then click on OKbutton.
  • Choice of Include Player numbers is irrelevant.
  • Make a note of the file name.

Now connect to Internet and upload the result file as before.

Note: ACBLscore provides default event names, however, for teams events, the name may be misleading. In that case, don't forget to set the event name using the Tournment data option (TO).

Multi-Section Matchpointed Events

If your field is split into 2 (or more) playing sections, which share boards, you can choose to, instead of creating separate result files, create one file by appending results of one section to result(s) of other sections. This will result in each sectional result showing up separately on the web page (as before), and additionally, there will be a cross-section score page, that ACBLScore currently does not show in any of its reports. If you are using a wireless scoring system like Bridgemate, additional data created by these devices will be properly distrubuted among sections and cross-section comparisons for each board will be available.

Examples of valid upload files

See below for examples of what results files should look like for a successful upload.